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Horse Training near Sherbrooke

Discover all our products for pets. 819-452-1234

Comprehensive Training for Horses of All Breeds

In our equestrian center, we train young horses to take their first steps in racing or prepare them for competition. Our rigorous and passionate training riders are dedicated to improving your equine's skills.

Our goal is to help horses progress and climb the ranks. Regardless of your horse's breed, we'll be delighted to train them.

Leave the training of your horses in the hands of the passionate riders at Ferme Belmont near Sherbrooke.

Horse Training Sherbrooke

Animal food at the best prices.

What Ferme Belmont offers
  • Equestrian Center
  • Horse Training
  • Nature Bélisle Animal Nutrition
  • Farm Products
  • Andalusian Horse Breeding
Our Advantages
  • Wide range of animal nutrition products
  • Pleasant environment
  • Warm welcome

Ferme Belmont is located in Ascot Corner, just minutes away from Sherbrooke.

Quality Horse Training in Good Conditions near Sherbrooke

At Ferme Belmont, your horses are trained in suitable facilities. Our domain has been carefully arranged to allow training in good conditions. The grounds are well-maintained, and the tracks are cleared to accommodate future athletes.

Other activities that contribute to the reputation of our center include Andalusian horse breeding, farm product sales, and animal food distribution.

Our domain has been specially arranged so that we can train your horses to victory.

Horse Training Center Sherbrooke